Wednesday, August 7, 2013

College, oh College

How did you know what your dreams and aspirations were? Were you hit in the back of the head with a block of wood and then decided to become a carpenter? Were you a tornado victim and saw the work of the Red Cross when you decided you wanted to become a paramedic? Did you decide to be an astronaut when NASA came and visited your school?

I, a beach-loving, dog-loving, music-loving 17-year-old gal, have no idea what I want to be doing with my life ten years from now. I don't want to be a pediatrician (like 98.7% of teenage girls). I don't have the patience or tolerance to be a teacher. I don't want to be a lawyer. I also do not want to make people food for the rest of my life. I don't want to be a mom.

Naturally, I want to help people. I want to make differences in the lives of the people I meet. I want to travel. I want to buy a blue and pink sari. I want to reel in fish from the docks of Greece. I want to eat pasta in Italy and feel the flavors and accents of the food in the depths of my soul. I want be familiar with the people in Spain. I want to swim with rays and sharks in Tahiti. I want to buy a ukulele from Hawaii. I want to do so many things, but I have no idea who I want to be.

I know about a millions things that I like and that I dislike. For example, I love turtles and I hate crying babies. But do I really know who I am? No, I don't.

For the last several years, I've always avoided "the talk", with myself (ironically), about what I was going to do later. I kept putting it off, saying that I would figure it out when the time came and that I had time. But the time has come, and I have no idea what I'm going to do. 

How did Barack Obama decide that he was going to run for presidency? How did J.K. Rowling decide that she would write books? How did Sara Bareilles decide that she would write music? How did you decide?

If you haven't already guessed, I am in the midst of writing my college applications, and I am in dire need of help! Tell me your story (and I know everyone has one). Any and all insight is greatly appreciated!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! Your post was sincerely really helpful and really sweet!!

    You're story has given me lots of perspective and hope that, even if I do make a mistake, it's okay!

    Thank you so much!!

    P.S. Your English rocks!
