Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Different, But Not So Different

I used to imagine what it would be like to have a 1950s family that lived in a clean little home with a white picket fence that always had dinner at 6pm everyday. My mom would take care of the house and my dad would have a 9-5 job to which he carried a dark-brown leather briefcase. My sisters and I would wear pretty dresses that came past our knees with evenly spaced polka dots. And then I would remember that I didn't really like dresses. 

I guess it would be nice to have a routine life that was simple, but then I wouldn't really be me. I would be that other girl from the 50s. Your family and your surroundings are what make you.

I used to love routine, and I would get horribly disappointed and upset when it got messed up. And soon enough, I found that no routine, or tradition, lasts forever. Sooner or later it will get messed up and forgotten. But then I learned that change isn't such a bad thing. It makes thing different, but not so different. Sure, our ways of expressing ourselves are different from the 17th century, but isn't it also different from the ways we expressed ourselves yesterday? There will constantly be changes, but some things always stay the same, like love. It may look different from the outside, but I think it always feels the same in the inside. 

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