Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Your People

They say it takes a village. 

No, I'm kidding. I wanted to sound deep. 

Over the past week (which was when Christmas and New Years had just past,) a long-time friend of mine got really sick. I honestly thought he was going to die, which was, as you can imagine, just a little bit unsettling. This illness came about suddenly and without warning; a bunch of us went to visit and sent his family strength and support. I, for one, went to visit him, in the hospital, by myself, and being the hopeless social idiot, had no idea what to say when I got into his hospital room. (He couldn't talk, so it was just me talking.) I prayed for him, and told him to get better, and then I started talking about my cavities and how I was still vegetarian. It was cringeworthy. 

Needless to say, this whole event really hit me hard, and life just told me again how uncontrollable it is. But, in it's uncontrollableness, it also lent us its beauty. I think this really brought us together again, all our old friends. Seeing how we really are good friends, that we actually are worried and care about him, showed me that real friendships will stand the test of time and the shit life throws at us.

Having said that, I wanted to say this:

Never forget your people, because they're the ones that are going stay with you whether you fail or succeed. They're the people that tell you the shirt makes you look fat. They're the hands that pick you up when you fall. 

I don't think there was a single day where I didn't see at least one person from my (extended) family this winter break. Yes, somedays I wanted to light myself on fire, but spending so much time with my family made me realize that they're my people. Granted, they're not my only people, I still have my wonderful, beautiful friends, (yes, I have friends.. some at least.) but they're the ones that have loved me from square one. They've been here for me since I was the infamous baby that, apparently, never stopped crying. They've been here for me through my crazy puberty mood-swings. They've been here, and I can't ever replace them.

I hope everyone else has spent a well-rested and fruitful break. I, for one, have learned so much about life within the past two weeks. I learned what truly matters and what it means to be human. I also listened to some kick-ass music (Bastille, Jack Johnson, Ingrid Michaelson, Priscilla Ahn). Music is a language; life is short; listen to good music.

My winter break:
There it is again! Another pay-telescope!! Woah!

If inside this place doesn't smell like heaven, I don't know what does.
My cousin is twenty-something, and he still thinks he's cool. Boys will be boys.

I know, my family is so weird, but what can you do, right? -wink-

Read this with a British accent: I quite like this picture.

No really, though, I do. 

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