Thursday, October 3, 2013

John Mayer: An Opportunity I Want to Take

John Mayer doesn't go on tour often, and when he does, he only comes to LA once throughout his whole tour. Tomorrow night, John Mayer will be in LA on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and I have tickets to go see him perform his eargasm-inducing music. But (there's always a but when something's too good to be true, isn't there?) my wonderful, wonderful mother will not let me attend this amazing, possibly, once in a life-time chance, to go see my absolute favorite artist. Why? Because she thinks I'm going to crash my car and die. 

She just doesn't understand the world of music lovers, and my greatly fond, greatly, fond appreciation for music. Music is my life. My iPod contains my life. If I miss this opportunity, I'm probably going to go jump off of a bridge. It's John Mayer. John Fucking Mayer. I can't just toss this opportunity aside. I'll never be able to live with myself if I do. 

So, if I go anyways, my parents will probably lose their shits and take away my car, phone, laptop, and whatever. Is John Mayer all that worth it? Damn straight he is. I'm going to that concert one way or another. John Mayer, you better not cancel the concert, and I better see you tomorrow at 7:15PM. So help me God. 

Update: I did end up rebelling, and IT FREAKEN ROCKED! I got to see John Mayer, and I just fell more in love with him.. his music I mean. 

My mom wasn't actually that mad about it, got to give her more credit next time.

(This is "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room", one of my most favorite songs.)

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