Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Small Moments

There are moments when I understand God's work in life, but, most of the time, I don't understand. Right now, I don't understand what God is doing. But, I do know that his plans are always bigger than what they seem. 

I don't know why God chose to inflict grief upon an eleven-year-old girl, but I know he makes all things happen for our good. So, even though it's difficult to see, I know that somehow, somewhere, this eleven-year-old girl will find peace and understanding in this situation. 

Today, at 6 am, Lily lost her dad to a heart attack. She was given no warning. I don't really know Lydia, I've seen her a couple times, and I know she's a friend of my little sister's. I also have no idea what she's going through, but I know she needs support and love, even from me, a mere stranger. 

I'm still trying to process all of this information. I'm trying to imagine the sixth grade me losing someone extremely dear to me and how I would've felt, but I can't. I have no idea what it would be like, but I know God brings his beloved together in times of grief. 

As much as this event serves as a great misfortune, it is events like these that pull me back to see from a different perspective and guide me to be someone who is grateful for all the memories that I've been given. 

I started my blog almost a year ago to write down and share my thoughts, but now it's become a place where I can store my memories and the small moments. It is the small moments that store that little bit of happiness that we need. It is the small moments that we all share. It is the small moments that we need to remember. 

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